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I enjoy created portraits for clients.  Whether it is of famous personas (such as the above painting of a Ukrainian singer) or family portraits. The love of capturing the essence of the person in the moment is so important to me.

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Pet Portraits


I have the privilege to complete family pet portraits over the last several years.  There is nothing that brings me greater joy that to paint these wonderful family members.

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This painting above was my first watercolor ever created.  I was sitting in the International Continental Hotel in Budapest waiting for my room to be readied. I have since painted a variety of animals ranging as small as squirrels to as large as elephants and rhinos in either water color or acrylic.
Parliament Blds After Snow Sotrm Jan 11 Referene Phot by Imee Plurad Aljayeh RN_edited.jpg


Landscapes are a wonderful subject to capture, whether it is a cityscape, a seascape or a more traditional landscape. I have used watercolors, oils and acrylics for all my landscapes. I enjoy painting big skies to as small as a tulip leave and how the light moves across the pedals and leaves.

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